About us

Our Story

At the University of Kentucky Sanders-Brown Center on Aging (SBCoA) basic and clinical scientists work together to improve the health of older adults in Kentucky and beyond through research dedicated to understanding the aging process and age-related brain diseases.  SBCoA provides education, outreach, and clinical programs that promote healthy brain aging.

 Over the past three decades, SBCoA has flourished and has emerged as one of the nation’s leading centers on aging. Major foci of the Center are basic and applied research in Alzheimer’s disease and related neurodegenerative disorders

Brain Health is our goal.

Research shows that exercise and a healthy diet are great ways to care for our bodies and minds! It also talks about the importance of sleep, controlling our stress levels and keeping our minds active. These are important things for EVERYONE to do! These programs are designed for those experiencing some type of cognitive decline (Boost for MCI and early Dementia and Brain Health 101 for those with Dementia to be watched with a care partner) but these activities can be enjoyed by anyone. It is never too early to start caring for your mind!
